The successful storyteller has the ability to lift his or
her audience out of their world of reality, suspend belief, and plunk them into
the writer’s world. Whether that world is on a written page, movie, or TV scene
is immaterial. We want the reader or viewer to enter the new world and become a
part of it like an invisible companion until the end credits break the trance.
This is accomplished with the details.

Some time back I discussed building characters and the
detail the writer should attend to even if not used. The same goes for the
backdrop, the world in which the character moves. A writer of science fiction
or fantasy taking place on another world needs to create that world in detail
right down to a piece of gum stuck on the walkway. A story taking place in the
mountains of New Mexico needs the sights, sounds, smells, and feel of New
Mexico which are different from the Colorado Rockies.
The Order of the Brethren, currently in production,
primarily takes place in the Caribbean Sea in the early 1600’s. To recreate
that takes a huge amount of research as to geography, history, and cultures.
This was a period of upheaval in this area. Natives were being killed out, new
people inserted (African slaves), and the European powers jockeyed for position
to elbow Spain out of the picture. This is not an historical novel, but it is
historically based.
Going into descriptive
details about places might be nice, but too much could risk putting the audience
to sleep. For instance, Nevis Island plays an important role in one chapter as
the characters bounce from one island to another trying to hold the attack
fleet together. It is a small, circular island with a towering central volcanic
cone. From a distance Nevis looks like a hat. The sides are gently sloping with
rich volcanic soil for agriculture. I could go into an extensive description of
its rich, green tapestry of vegetation and colorful flowers, the turquois water
washing up on long, white sand beaches, the . . . no, it’s a circular island
that looks like a hat. The decision was to dwell more on time which is becoming
a factor in the rescue, the relationship of one island to another, how far apart
they are, and how long it takes to get there is more important. Travel time between
islands is measured in hours, as in five to eight because ship speeds ranged
from five to eight knots/hour. (That’s walking to slow jog speed). In countries
like Australia and the western United States distances between cities are huge
in comparison to Great Britain, Europe, and similar small regions used to short
travel distances. The audience won’t have a chance to nap because they will jog
right along with no more time to shop than our hero(s).
Besides geography are
the people already living on the islands, the last remnants of the native
people, some Spaniards, and an influx of Europeans. As this is a story about
people, I want to go into some depth about what is known of them—their appearance,
social structure, and living conditions. This has not been an easy research.
More information is surfacing, but over all, we know little about the Taino and
the Carib. By 1700 they will be wiped from the face of the earth, existing
today only in pockets of DNA. How did this happen? The Taino were peaceful. The
Caribs were cannibalistic. In this story, our hero(s) must interact with and
get their cooperation, and in doing so, their stories can be told, not in an indigestible
block of information, but spread out over several chapters so not to overwhelm our
invisible companions.
It is a tricky tapestry we weave to move the story along
with the audience pulled into the story and experiencing life in the times with
our hero(s). Unlike the venerable authors of yesteryear who could go into
minute detail about geography and science, today’s reader/viewer is too
impatient. We authors must be brief and more concise. In some ways, that’s a